Split Billing and Memberships Increase Uptake of Elective Aesthetic Service

med spa membership billing management

Medical spa services have become popular in recent times. A recent American Society for Dermatological Surgery study finds that over 70% of customers are seeking non-invasive treatments. Over the past ten years, cosmetic procedures have generated tremendous revenue, creating substantial business opportunities.

With the introduction of split billing and membership plans, revenue has increased exponentially. Let's see how:

Benefits of Split Billing and Membership:

Allowing Providers to Negotiate Their Terms:

First, split billing is a convenient mechanism wherein providers, and their customers enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship. While it allows service providers to negotiate their terms, it also helps their customers by providing them a better chance to enjoy the services at a better rate.

Allowing Patients to Pay for Plans in Full or Through Installments:

The split billing facility enables med spa customers to pay for plans in full and sometimes get an additional discount or pay monthly over the plan period. Commonly customers prefer monthly billing for better affordability. However, when affordability is not an issue, earning an addition discount by paying in full is the better option.

Offering Discounts for Repeat Visits:

One of the most significant advantages of the split billing model is the discounted offer for repeat visits. It enables service providers to earn positive word of mouth among their loyal customers, who return to them repeatedly. Additionally, customers who visit more than once gain more value from a service and become easier to convince.

The Benefits of Membership:

The membership model is a convenient structure behind how you'll collect and use membership fees.

With this model, members pay monthly fees and receive discounted pricing on top-of-the-line treatments at participating clinics across North America. The more money you spend on treatments at clinics that offer discounts through membership programs like these, the more money you'll save in the long run!

How Does Med Spa Benefit from the PlanSplit Membership Model?

PlanSplit is a no-brainer membership billing management software that can help you:

Boost Revenue:

One of the biggest benefits of the membership model is that patients become committed to you after they sign up. As a result, they keep coming back to you repeatedly. Thus, you get a boost in revenue.

Attract New Customers:

Med spa practitioners and other health and non-health sectors are enjoying the benefits of the membership model to offer extended value to their existing and potential clients. PlanSplit membership billing software enables med spa practitioners to gain new customers by providing discounts on the bulk payment of medical and wellness services.

Reduce Staff Workload:

PlantSplit membership billing management software is designed to eliminate time-wasting administrative tasks in your practice. By delegating billing responsibilities to the PlanSplit software, Med Spa practitioners can engage their staff on more value-added tasks. The entire membership and billing process, along with other administrative processes, is automated and human-supported to improve the quality of service.

Reduce Payroll Costs:

One of the biggest challenges a medical practice faces today is rising payroll costs. With PlanSplit, practice will save time and costs related to payroll and employee management.

Overall, PlanSplit med spa memberships help practices save time and money related to employee management. Sign up with PlanSplit today and increase the uptake of your medical practice.

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